Hello! It’s nearing the end of the week now and I’m looking forward to a weekend in London, going to watch the preview of the Paper Cinema’s Odyssey at Battersea Arts Centre, exciting! If you haven’t seen these guys before and you like theatre, animation and live music, then I seriously recommend you book tickets asap as it’s selling out fast!
Hopefully I’ll get a bit of knitting done on the way there, my hat pattern is all written out now but in my sleepiness last night I managed to knit about 16 rounds with the wrong size needles, so I need to frog it back to the ribbing later and start again. The pattern is going to be a sort of zigzag rib, but I haven’t done enough rows for it to show up yet so you’ll have to wait for a picture!
So busy, busy it is, and still no time to teach myself how to use my knitting machines!
All this wool arrived on Tuesday though, which should be enough to keep me occupied for a while! It’s the same yarn from in the photo I posted last week, Erika Knights ‘Vintage’ in ‘Drizzle’ – here you can find a list of stockists.
On another note I wanted to share this picture, which I found in Exeter Quay Antiques Centre in the summer. I’m not sure where it is or when it was taken, but it looks like it was taken at a girls finishing school, they all seem quite intent on their knitting!