ZigZag Snood and Mittens Pattern – Now Available Through Erika Knight

I hadn’t intended this blog to focus so much on new pattern releases; however, I’ve been so busy with Christmas knitting recently I haven’t had much time to post about anything! I’ve had projects I could share, but they’re secret so I can’t show you any pictures until after Christmas.

This however, is pretty exciting:

My ZigZag Cowl and Mittens Patterns are now available through Erika Knight!

**2022 EDIT** Patterns are now all available as digital downloads from my Patterns page, as singles or a pattern bundle.

Some of you may have already knitted the ZigZag Hat, which I released online back in February.

Erika liked my hat pattern and asked if I would fancy knitting a snood and mittens to help promote the new Erika Knight Yarn Collection. It was first released in print in the US, UK and Europe, and now it is available to download through Erika’s website.

The cowl and mittens are part of a collection of 20 patterns which were designed in Erika’s new yarns; Vintage Wool, Maxi Wool and Fur Wool.

Both are knitted in the Vintage Wool, which is 100% British Wool that Erika sourced herself from Yorkshire.  The yarn is gorgeous to work with, it knits up quickly and blocks really well.

The cowl takes approx 5 x 100g balls of Vintage Yarn and it’s really snug and cosy.  I haven’t got a photo of it laid out, but it measures 36cm (14.5in) by 43cm (17in) when laid flat, and it’s really stretchy.

The stitch is a variation on rib, so although the mittens are one size, they will fit anyone.  You will need approximately 2 x 100g balls of Vintage Yarn and these can be knitted up in just a few days.  If you’re quick you could make some for Christmas!

If you fancy making the matching hat too, you can buy it here 🙂

3 thoughts on “ZigZag Snood and Mittens Pattern – Now Available Through Erika Knight

  1. Oh, wow! Very exciting! The patterns look beautiful knit up in Erica’s yarns. I really love the size and drape of the snood.

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