I’ve been really productive this weekend, doing a bunch of odd jobs that I’ve been meaning to get around to for a while, a bit of freelance work and a lots of knitting!
I started making this shawl on Thursday night and got really into it. I’ve never really used lace weight for anything before, as I have a tendancy to snag things, so always avoided projects like this. However I was given this skein of Fyberspates Gleem Lace, which has been sat around for sometime now, glowing it’s lovely yellow colour and begging me to do something with it. So I started looking at patterns, and finally settled on the Lace Evolution Shawl by Tetiana Oruna. It’s good fun, I just can’t wait to get on to the next chart pattern!
Yesterday, however I was up for something mindless, so I cast on my second project this week, some toe-up socks in Regia Mix-It! My friend Jen at work is also making socks with this and I have been admiring them. Thou will not covet thy neighbours yarn.. Oops!
Finally I caved and bought myself a ball last week. I’ve been enjoying knitting socks on the bus to work, but anything too involved makes me feel a bit travel sick. I’ve a feeling these shall be ready to wear in a week or two, they’re knitting up pretty quickly already. Bring on Autumn!
I always have to mix mindless with thought provoking projects! Great patterns you chose and the lace shawl looks like the beginning of laminaria which I’m knitting now.
Can I ask which pattern you used for these socks? I am looking for a sock pattern at the moment, also do you find it easier with circular or DPN needles to knit socks
Hi Jo!
I made these socks up using a simple sock formula – all the fun stuff is in the yarn! So any sock pattern will do, and you will end up with the pretty patterning. Personally I prefer circulars with magic loop but I know a lot of people that prefer DPNs. I have a tendency to put one down and forget where it was, or lose it on the bus, so circulars are a lot more practical for me!