Wednesday WIP – Giving an Old Loom New Life

On Monday I was super lucky to be given this loom from the lovely Jeni at Fyberspates.

Harris 4 Shaft Table Loom

After meeting Divaweaver at the Southbank Arts Trail back in May, I’d been inspired to give weaving a go.  So when I saw Jeni’s tweet that she had a loom requiring a new home I knew I had to go and rescue it.

Harris 4 Shaft Table Loom

Now I know nothing about weaving, nor which parts of the loom I need to fix up.  I’m going to start with a bit of dusting and go from there.  I’m not even sure what any of the parts are called, so I joined this Ravelry group in the hope that some of the experts there might be able to give me a nudge in the right direction.

Harris 4 Shaft Table Loom

I think these wires are called the heddles.  They appear to be ok, maybe a little rusty, but I’m hoping they’ll clean up ok.  I also know I need to get a new reed as the one for this machine is missing.  Any advice would be gratefully accepted!

Harris 4 Shaft Table Loom

As luck would have it, this morning I met with another lovely lady called Claire, from Bristol Sewing School, which opened in March about 10 minutes from my house.   I learned that not only will they be running weaving workshops, but knitting machine courses too, hurrah!  So there is hope yet to get even more creative hobbies than I already have.

Harris 4 Shaft Table Loom

I’m not sure if it’s possible to take a trip out to the Fyberspates workshop and not come back with yarn – I know I didn’t manage it.  There are so many pretty colours! I had to restrain myself and just buy the one skein, which I think was pretty good going considering I haven’t bought anything new in at least 6 months.  Unless you include yarn for gifts.

I don’t.

Fyberspates Yarn

I’m not sure what to make with it yet – a lovely pair of yellow socks or a nice lacy fingering weight hat.. I’m not letting myself play until I’ve finished my bolero though!

After the drive back I found there was a street party in full swing near our road, so went down to take some snaps.  I love living somewhere with such a lovely community feel to it!

fraser street street party bristol

Fraser Street Street Party Bristol

Street Party Bristol Balloons


20 thoughts on “Wednesday WIP – Giving an Old Loom New Life

  1. Love the Loom…Jeni is such a star isn’t she. I can recommend her wool to weave with – I have made a couple of lovely scarves with superb drape and texture.

    Have you thought about contacting the Spinners, Dyers and Weavers at Long Ashton – they meet the 2nd Saturday in the month. Also there is Sarah at the Spinning Weal in Clevedon. Thanks for the heads up about the new classes available. Off to look. Best wishes Shani

  2. Just taken a look at the Sewing School – that is 10 mins from where I live (well when not in Devon…!!) – had hoped to get some working space there last year (weaving, spinning and dyeing) but didn’t ever hear back from the people dealing with it. This sounds fantastic though – so pleased that someone is filling the voids….

    Thanks for passing the info on…Best wishes Shani

    1. That’s funny, I looked there too for studio space when I first moved, but decided I needed to start earning a bit more first before I could justify it. The sewing school looks fab, I just want to go and play there! Thank you for all the useful links, I’ll definately be checking them out. I really can’t wait to get all the bits so I can have a go at making a sample!

  3. I know nothing about looming but would love to learn this whole process. This is so exciting! Love learning new ways to create with yarn. Can’t wait to see what you make with it.
    That yarn is a lovely color!
    The neighborhood is so lively , I love how you captured it.

    1. Thanks Alma! I am also rather baffled with weaving, but it looks less complicated than knitting. Apparently it’s a good way to use up your stash too! I have plans to make a bath mat, but that might be a bit ambitious at the moment – maybe a coaster?

  4. How exciting! I had a floor loom for a while but found that I rarely used it. (I think I was too lazy to thread the heddles!) I had gotten my loom used as well, and later passed it on to another. Will look forward to seeing your first project in the future!

    1. Thanks! I’m such a sucker for new toys. I hoard them too – I’ve still got all my old darkroom stuff but I couldn’t give the enlarger away, even though I know there’s someone out there that would love to make use of it. We’ll see how it goes with threading the loom, I might just stick to small things 🙂

  5. That looks like quite the prize there! You may have to spend some time fixing it up, but I’m sure that it will pay off wonderfully. I’m very excited to hear how this process works out, please keep us posted!

    1. Will do, thanks, I am excited too! I’m pretty pleased with myself for getting the loom, but will be more so when it’s all fixed up and working! 🙂

  6. I’m so excited for you … an old new loom. What a treat and treasure. I’m looking forward to watching you learn how to weave on this lovely object.

    1. Thanks Evelyn! It’s rather beautiful, if not a bit cumbersome 🙂 I’ll be sure to post photos as soon as I’ve made something for sure!

  7. Gosh that does look fiddly – I wouldn’t have a clue – but I can imagine once you’ve mastered it then there will be no stopping you.

    Nina xxx

  8. Wow, it’s beautiful! And to think it might actually be fixed up to make something is such a bonus. Good luck figuring out all the bits and pieces, I’ll be looking forward to seeing your progress as well!

  9. That looks like one heck of a piece of kit, best of luck with working it out. There’s nothing like a challenge to get the brain going. That street party certainly does look fun, just how they should be 🙂

  10. How exciting for your! There certainly will be no shortage of projects to keep you busy as you begin to make your way in the world of the self employed! I think it’s terrific that you’re trying new things with such enthusiasm. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

  11. Fantastic! I do love an adventure – and I’m sure this loom is the beginning of one 🙂
    Fyberspates! Ahhh lovely – it’s the UK’s Mad Tosh…

    1. I’m so excited to get knitting with it – I just wound it into a ball on my winder, it looks so pretty I had to take photos of it! 🙂

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