I’m finished, at last! These socks were nearly a gonner last week, when I managed to drop my knitting bag in Victoria Park and lose them halfway through sock number two. Luckily, through the powers of Twitter, I was able to get them back! Someone had saved them from being eaten by playful puppies and handed them in to Mrs Brown’s Cafe in the middle of the park.
Although sadly at some point the lovely bag they were in was snapped up by someone less honest. It was just a tote bag, from Windmill Hill city farm, but I was given it when I worked in the Windmill pub, and it made me feel part of a nice community. It saddens me to think that the person that took must also be part of that community that I felt was so friendly. I’m consoling myself with the fact that I got my knitting back, and that I could always go and buy another bag, but it’s not quite the same.
The yarn is Regia Mix-it, and the pattern just a toe up formula I was trying out. I’m making a bunch of stocking stitch socks as my “bus knitting”, which hopefully my feet will appreciate come winter!