
Briswool, Bristol

Over the last few months, the owner of my local craft store, Vicky Harrison from Paper Village, has been leading Briswool – a project to recreate the city of Bristol in wool. The model was finally revealed last week, and I got a chance to peek in at it on Saturday.

The Matthew

More than 100 volunteers worked on making the piece, knitting and crocheting foliage, boats, balloons, trees and cars from Vicky’s patterns, plus all the Bristol landmarks one would expect to see. The model completely takes over the Paper Village shop, where it will be exhibited there until the 27th May.

Clifton coloured houses

The project is still growing and Briswool will be running two free workshops in October, to coincide with the model showing in the M-shed.  Participants will learn knitting and crochet techniques for designing and making more of the local buildings of Bristol and the city centre, and helping to sew pieces together.

The Harbourside


Clifton Suspension Bridge

It’s lovely to have this sort of thing happening around the corner and to see that the shop is generating so much interest! Links have popped up from media all over the world covering it, and queues were so long on their opening day they had to turn people away! 

The Watershed

Spot the needlefelt fox:

Cabot Tower


More information on Briswool and details to get involved can be found on the Paper Village Facebook page, which is updated regularly.