Operation Sewing Box


I’ve decided it’s time I gave my sewing box some love. Shamefully, it’s been sat like this in my living room for sometime now as I continue to put more stuff in it and never really throw anything away. Today I decided enough was enough and I was going to fix it up and start using it properly.


The box cost me £5 in the PDSA shop in Exeter about 10 years ago. I’ve always loved the idea of having a proper sewing box, but my creative side conflicts with my tidy side so I go through phases of making stuff for weeks before I turn around and notice everything is a mess.

20140415-225604.jpgSometimes you need to make a mess before things get tidy!

Now things are looking much happier:



and I discovered a few old things with uses..




I’m not sure how long it will stay this way, but this is certainly an improvement! Now to tackle my needle box..

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