Monday Monday…

The results of a fun but not so knit productive week!


So it’s Monday again! I’ve been a bit preoccupied recently, knitting and frogging tension squares in a lace repeat I’ve been tweaking for my next hat pattern. So as a result I don’t really have much to show you knit wise, (except maybe pictures of the yarn!) so instead I decided to share a few photographs from the weekend.

I Love this Space Invaders Pattern!

We spent Saturday on Gloucester Road, checking out some of the charity and vintage shops and having a general mooch. I’d been keeping an eye out for yarn, but ended up finding two complete publications of Superstitch for £2 – which I think was a bargain, although the lady in the shop thought I was mad!

Puppets in SuperStitch

Superstitch was a magazine from the 1980’s which was collected by readers and filed into ringbinders – a guide to knitting, sewing and needlecraft. Ok I’ll admit most of the patterns in there are pretty outdated now, but the information is still relevant (and I’m a sucker for knitting and sewing books). And who wouldn’t want to knit these fairisle tanktops?

Matching FairIsle Tank Tops anyone?

Sunday we went to Porthcawl and I’ve never seen fog quite like it!


Everywhere was thick with mist – we had to walk right to the water’s edge to see the sea, and then when we turned around the beach was invisible – we were just engulfed in this white mass! It was crazy – almost dreamlike and certainly photoworthy, however fog is not the easiest thing to photograph.

I managed to sneak in three hours of working on my lace hat pattern while Chris was trying out his new custom made snugg wetsuit – our trips are great as I can get loads of knitting and sewing done without any distractions, and he gets to surf to his hearts content 🙂


2 thoughts on “Monday Monday…

  1. Hi Faye- I’m visiting from Ravelry and just wanted to say how much I like your your first and last photo in this post. The first really grabbed my attention because I love all the angles and the yellow with the grey. I’ll look forward to checking in on your new hat pattern. Happy Knitting- Lynn

  2. Hi Faye ~ Yay! Another awesome UK blog to add to my Google Reader! Love your photos from around your neighborhood … and all your crafty goodness! And I’m a sucker for needleart and sewing books and magazines too, especially those prior to 1980! 🙂

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