Art on the Hill 2012

This last couple of weeks have been pretty manic for me, sorting out bits and bobs for Art on the Hill which took place this weekend.  This was the first arts trail I’ve done and wasn’t sure what to expect.

So me, being me, left a majority of it until the last minute and worked largely on updating pattern formats so they were all nice and consistent, and creating a nice template so all future ones will follow suit.

I also wasn’t sure how many knitters exactly live in South Bristol so was taking a bit of a gamble selling patterns!

To bulk it all out a bit I got sewing again, something I’ve been a little slack on recently. A couple of years ago I made these aprons, which went down really well at arts fairs and in the local pub/cafe where I was selling them in Sussex.

It was nice to get back into the sewing vibe again and make a selection of baby clothes too. Again these are things that I was selling when living in Brighton that were popular with the local Mums and Dads. All the left over pieces are now in my Etsy shop, so if you have your eye on something here then take a look!

All in all the weekend was a success, meeting with other knitters and artists, and just sitting and chatting with people about my patterns was really lovely. Its great when you know a product so well you are confident answering questions about it – I’ve done so much retail work in the past for people and nothing beats selling things you have created yourself.

I even managed to come away with a yarn bowl from my good friends Lucy and Pete!

Mini Etsy Treasury – Trees!

Mini Etsy Treasury – Trees!

I’d like to try and make Etsy Treasuries and favourites a regular thing on here, it felt good last time giving a thumbs up to the sellers I’d featured! Today there is a bit of a tree theme going on.  Please click on the photo’s to be sent through to the sellers Etsy page.

sageANDindie tree pendant - etsy favourite  lazydoll heart tree purse - etsy favouriteJewelleryByZM tree pendant - etsy favouriteminimonos screen printed tree pillow - etsy favouriteLeafyDesign tree brance scarf - etsy favouriteWoodlandGifts tree print heart shaped buttons - etsy favourite









1. Tree of Life Wire Sculpture Encased Picture Jasper Stone Necklace from sageANDindie

2. Heart Tree Embroidery Purse from lazydoll

3. Tree of Life Sterling Silver Necklace from JewelleryByZM

4. Tree Branches Silk Screened Pillow from minimonos

5.  Tree Branch Scarf from LeafyDesign

6.  Set of 10 Mixed Tree Patterned Heart Buttons (ON SALE!)  WoodlandGifts


Spring Etsy Finds..

I wanted to share these lovely things I found on Etsy today. I’m still a bit hooked on yellow this week and I needed a fix! Please click each picture to be taken to the sellers Etsy page.

Yellow_Rose_Necklace TrickyWoo_Creature Do_What_You_Loveyellow_bag Crchet_Hook _Organiser      Handamde_Ballerina_Pumps Orange_Fish_Print Fingerless_Gloves Yellow Octopus












1) Mustard Yellow Rose And Turquoise Bead Necklace by Luscious Lockets
2) Cute trickywoo creature with heart by trickywoogifts
3) Do What You Love by letterhappy
4) Party Bag by alexbender
5) Cozy Crochet Hook Organiser by MessyJesse
6) Sunflower Yellow Handmade Ballerinas by elehandmade
7) Ocean Fish Print by OrangeOptimist
8 ) Lambswool Wristwarmers by vKnit
9) Yellow Octopus by RubySubmarine

I hope these brightened up your day!

Spring has Sprung!

Happy Spring folks!

Finally it feels like things are starting to warm up a bit 🙂 Yesterday I went and celebrated the fact that the sun had got his hat on by eating lunch in the park by these lovely daffodils!

Daffodils mean it's Spring, right?

So now I’m trying to decide what my next knitting project will be. I’m thinking something lacy again – I really enjoyed making the Nordic Lace Hat/Mitts and Cowl set and I have an itch to scratch! I’ve just treated myself to a couple of pairs of Knit Pro interchangeable needles – I’ve gone for the short ones just because they seemed to make me knit much faster when I tested one last week.  I can’t wait until they turn up!

So I don’ t really have much to say today so I’m just going to share some things I like that I found on Etsy, if that’s ok with you!

Gorgeous Handspun yarn from threewelshhens

This yarn was spun and dyed by threewelshhens in Cardiff, and uses a mixture of Merino, Blue Faced Leicester and golden Angelina fibre. I love the colour of this yarn!

Yellow Bird Notepad by Vert Cerise

A very cute handmade notepad by Vert Cerise in France, which I am bookmarking for myself to buy when I’ve got through the three I am currently scribbling in!

Scandinavian Cat Toys by Jane Foster

These cat toys are made from original 1970’s Scandinavian fabric by Jane Foster in Totnes, who designs screenprints and collects vintage fabrics.  (I love their little faces!)

That’s about it for today folks, have a good weekend! 🙂
