I Received a Blogging Award! :)

I was very pleased to log on last week to discover that the lovely Tecrin Tries had nominated me for a blogging award, thank you Tecrin! I found Tecrin (aka Steph) through Ravelry back in January, and have been following since as I love her pictures (and I think we have a fair few other crafty things in common :))

So the blogging award comes with a few rules:

– Thank the person who gave you this award.
– Include a link to their blog.
– Next, select 15 bloggers that you follow regularly or have recently discovered.
– Nominate those bloggers for the Versatile blogger-award.
– Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Ok so here goes!

Some of these bloggers I have been following for a  while, some not so long.  I was in need of some knitting blogs to follow and just followed everything tagged with ‘Knitting’ from the Bloglovin reader, which I’ve since realised doesn’t take you directly to the bloggers url, so they won’t know I’m there!  However I like the layout and the daily email has been a great way to introduce me to new blogs.

Yarn Bombing in Bristol

I’ve picked these blogs to nominate for the award because they inspire me to keep blogging and taking pictures – I love the photography, the writing style, the projects and the content. Hopefully they haven’t received the award before.. Check them out!

Will Knit for Food – I also discovered this blog recently through Ravelry and find it very inspiring to actually make more stuff.  Mostly about knitting and sewing, its full of fab photographs that keep you scrolling down for more.

 Creating the Day is another knitting blog I was drawn to by the photographs, written by knitter and spinner Erin, from New York.  Recently there have been some particularly cute posts about knitted toys, with links to patterns.

Yarn and Hook Happy is a really cute crochet blog I discovered recently through Ravelry.   Ronnie makes some gorgeous toys and accessories and blogs about the process.

An unrelated photo of the sign for Amsterdam's Artis Royal Zoo

Lilibeth’s Garden – Heidi test knitted a cowl for me a couple of months ago and wrote me a really lovely review on her blog.  It appears that she does a lot of test knitting, which she blogs about along with other projects, and always posts lovely photos!

 A Pile of Sheep – I know Ellen in real life – I met her through my knitting circle.  She seems to have a new project on the go every week, yet somehow finds the time to work, test knit and review different yarns, blog about tutorials and knitting tips.

 Rural Pearls is a very cute blog brought to us by Aubrey, who lives on a ranch.  Expect posts about knitting, yarn, sewing, baking and cute animals!

Stix on the Beach is a really lovely blog about crochet and craft, with lots of beautiful, colourful photos.

Triona Designs is mostly  a knitting blog, which talks about other crafts too (most recently a tutorial on how to make your own lightbox!) Again lots of lovely photos and designs!

Knitting Neels – Despite the title, I was drawn to this blog by the sewing posts.  There are a lot!  I’ve been knitting a lot really and blogs like this make me want to get my sewing machine out and make myself a whole new wardrobe – if you need some motivation, then have a look!

An unrelated photo of some pretty bikes!

Seventy Tree I have known Kerry for years (though we’ve lost touch a bit, hi!) She is an illustrator and mummy based in London, who blogs about art, family, gorgeous hand made things she has bought and scrummy photos of her house.  She inspires me to blog more about myself, rather than just stuff I’ve made!

Zoe’s Knitting Bag I discovered this blog this week through Bloglovin – lots about knitting, crafts and really gorgeous photos.

Yiskah Knits – I found Jessica’s blog a few weeks ago by chance, and it interested me as she’s a knitter living in the same town as me.   The whole blog just looks lovely and we seem to be inspired by similar things.

Stuff Steph Does is updated reguarly about crafts and baking.  It amazes and inspires me how anyone has enough time to make and blog about so many lovely things!

Knitting is Awesome is a really fun knitting blog, covering everything from clothes to yarn bombed parking meters and monsters.   It is also updated every few days, making me feel like I should make more of an effort!

And Some More Yarn Bombing…

And finally.. 7 things about me!

1. I once had an invisible dog called Sherbert. He was a white Scottish Terrier who was super clever, but old, and was later replaced by an invisible Border Collie called Scruffy, who I still want for real some day 🙂

2. My mum taught me to knit when I was 5 years old. I seem to remember making Barbie clothes, and loads and loads of i-cord! It didn’t catch on until I was about 21 though, and since then I haven’t really stopped.

3. I really really love a veggie chilli. But only the one that I make, with tons of vegetables and 3 or 4 different types of beans, I’m usually totally disappointed when I order this out anywhere!

4.  I still haven’t left Europe! I’ve been longing for the day to go and see more of the world for years, but just haven’t got around to going yet! Hopefully soon..

5. When I was young I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up. After years of retail, office work and graphic design, Mostly what I want to do now is knit and sew, I’m just working out ways of earning a living from it.

6. I love my bike! I’ve never had a driving licence, and have always been lucky enough to live and work in locations where I can get around on my trusty Dutch push bike.  I bought it in 2008 from a specialist in Brighton and have never looked back.  Only 2 gears work but its such a joy to ride around on J

7. Someday I’d like to build a house by the sea, have my own little studio, and knit and sew all day to my hearts content.  In reality, I’d probably spend a bit too much time on Ravelry, reading blogs and pinning things, but that’s all part of the fun!