Happy New Year!

Apologies for my lack of blog posts of late, I have been super busy over the festive period; planning new patterns, making socks and a hat, and I seem to have neglected them a bit!

Sadly the socks didn’t get finished in time for Christmas but I thought I would put up a couple of photos of my progress.  I’ll point out that these are a gift for my other half, hence the reason they look a bit on the large side on my little feet!

The pattern is Strings Colourwork Socks by Tanja Fleischer. They are knit from the toe up – using the Fair Isle technique to knit the guitar pattern on the top of the foot and the fretboard (so cool!) underneath. Then after the heel the pattern is set so they guitars flow neatly around the whole sock to the cuff. All in all it was a really fun pattern to knit!

Here is the silly beard hat I made for my brother (he’s going to kill me for posting this!) I had some fun fur yarn leftover from years ago and after looking at beards for half a day, had a go at crocheting something that fitted nicely around the neck. It’s actually really practical, but the beard unclips as I imagine he’ll probably wear the hat more without it.

And here’s something I wanted to share with you before Christmas, but just didn’t get the time! When I was out doing my gift shopping, I popped into the “Knitted Supermarket” for a nose around.

The supermarket was in Bristol for a few days around Christmas, and everything inside was for sale. The proceeds went to Knitiffi – the Bristol based folk responsible for the project. Their aim is to make the world a “brighter, happier place” through exhibitions, projects and installations created with yarn.

It was so cute I couldn’t resist these snaps!

And finally…

Throughout 2012 I took part in the 366 photography project – one photo per day for a year. To start with it was hard, remembering everyday to take a picture of something, but after a few months it became a habit. I missed a few (8 to be exact) but I’m really pleased now to have a collection of photos looking back over the whole year. So much so, that I’ve started the project again for 2013!

You can view the photo collection here, or click the play button below to watch a slideshow of the year in pictures.

366 Photography Project Update

366 Photography Project Update

I just wanted to say a quick hello and say I haven’t given up on the 366 photography project yet!   If you don’t know what I’m on about then click on the 366 Project Page at the top of the screen, which is filling up nicely! I must update more often.

A lot of the photographs recently have been indoors, the weather in Bristol has been miserable out and I’ve felt uninspired.  Although seeing them all together I’m actually quite pleased with the results!

chilli and herb garden © Buttons and Beeswax Knitting Blog
On Monday we went out and bought some bits to make a herb garden to cheer ourselves up a bit.  But the basil is really unhappy! This photo was taken shortly after planting, but by Tuesday night it was withered and sad.  Could it be too cold perhaps? I’ve never been the most green-fingered of people.

Greville Smyth Park, Bristol © Buttons and Beeswax Knitting Blog
Today’s photo was going to be of my WIP – a lace shrug knitted in aran to keep off that May chill that’s still in the air here.  It’ll be finished within a few days at this rate hopefully – however I’ve spent so long since I got back from work playing with the all the photos I have uploaded to the 366 Project Page, it’s now too dark to take one.

Trees in May © Buttons and Beeswax Knitting Blog
So instead I have posted couple of photos from today – May in Bristol – still raining, though the trees we look down on from our kitchen window are green and lush.

I am also logging my 366 project photos on my Flickr photography page, so add me as a contact to follow me!

365 Days…

So far the 365 days project is going well, although I’ve realised it’s going to get challenging over the next couple of months before it’s light after work. I’m quite happy with this set of photos though, it’s interesting not knowing what is coming next!

I’m enjoying the project because it’s forcing me to get out, get some air and have a look around, when otherwise I’d probably have my head in some knitting indoors somewhere.

Here are days 2 to 10, for anyone interested!

Two Magpies - 366 Days Photography Project Coffee and Knitting - 366 Days Photography Project Fallen Tree January Storms - 366 Days Photography Project Bristol Underpass  - 366 Days Photography Project Sad Christmas Tree - 366 Days Photography Project Totterdown Coloured Houses - 366 Days Photography Project Colourful Turkey! 366 Days Photography Project London Plane Trees - 366 Days Photography Project Ashton Vale Road Railway Worker - 366 Days Photography Project

365 Days Project

Happy New Year everyone!

So, in a bid to make myself more aware of my surroundings, be more creative, and hopefully see some more inspiration in everyday things, I am going to attempt the 365 days project.  For those of you that haven’t heard of this already, it’s where you take one photo every day for a year and post them online.

Knowing myself, I’ll be lucky to last a week with this, but I thought I’d give it a shot and see how long I can keep it up for.  I need to get blogging a bit more often too, so hopefully this will give me the kick up the bum I need!

Here is a link if anyone wishes to follow on Flickr

I won’t be uploading to the blog every day,  I’ll be posting photos in batches, but here’s the first one anyway.

Victoria Park Maze, Bristol - 366 Days Photography Project
1st January 2012












We woke up a little hungover this morning, but made the effort to leave the house and went for a walk in the rain in Victoria Park.  I never noticed this maze before.


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